Date: 05.10.2021
Topic: „Green investments. How to meet climate changes?”
• The event aims to convey the idea that sustainable energy development is the basis for a sustainable world.
• The panellists invited to the discussion will describe how their countries are implementing the energy transition and how the drive towards carbon neutrality is creating new investment trends.
• The following topics will be covered: Trends in international climate and energy policy; Energy transition in Poland; Socio-economic benefits of energy transformation; The importance of renewable energy projects for the economic development of countries.
The programme of the seminar is available HERE.
Date: 27.10.2021
Topic: „Innovations and trends in the space industry”
• The space industry, which is driven by the growing needs for extraterrestrial space exploration, requires a dynamic development of the latest technologies.
• The Polish space sector needs the involvement of foreign companies in order to develop its potential on an equal footing with other countries.
• The aim of the planned event is to present to investors the possibilities of development in Poland through direct foreign investment or through cooperation with Polish scientific institutions and technological institutes.
Date: 05.11.2021.
Topic: „Smart cities. Solutions for the future”
• The aim of the event will be to showcase cutting-edge technological solutions that countries are using to create a welcoming, innovative way of life for their residents.
• Poland will present itself as a country open to innovation, creative, with appropriate technologies to foster the development of smart cities.
• The countries invited to the discussion will formulate and present challenges for sustainable urban development including the implementation of modern technologies.
Date: 03.02.2022
Topic: „The future of health. How technology is revolutionizing the healthcare industry”
• Access to technology and the development of knowledge have made the medical market one of the fastest growing industries, which has also had a positive impact on the development of MedTech innovation and the growth of startups.
• The aim of the event will be to create a discussion on the use of modern technologies in human medical treatment, including the use of artificial intelligence, and to show the latest trends and define the challenges facing startups.